[BETA] App Android

Mon erreur 6 ne vient pas des 4 secondes pour avoir la réponse?
C’est quoi la limite avec un timeout?

Hello @pyb,

J’ai la même configuration que toi mais impossible de me connecter. J’ai un code retour 1.

Ma configuration :

  • Adresse IP : vide
  • Port : vide
  • Adresse DNS : url_de_mon_site:port (sans https:// devant)
  • HTTPS activé
  • Port : vide

As-tu fait autre chose ?

@LepetitGeek, merci beaucoup pour cette application qui sera super utile :slight_smile:

J’ai fixé le timeout a 30s donc l’erreur ne vient pas de la ^^
Tu a bien revérifié t’es infos de connexion ?
Tu pourrais me faire une vidéo comme @aiaalm du moment où tu rentre tes paramètres jusqu’au moment où tu l’erreur ?

je trouve un moyen de filmer mon écran et je te fais ça!

1 « J'aime »

@PhilippeMA le code erreur 1 signifie que tu est en Wifi et que tes paramètres ne sont pas bon… normal vu que tu les a laissé vide!

1 « J'aime »

Ah… En effet. Ça a commencé à charger mais malheureusement l’application finit par planter :cry:

Edit: En accès local avec IP locale et en accès distant avec le DNS. Même comportement, l’application plante après avoir mouliné quelques secondes. Après, impossible de la redémarrer, elle plante directement. J’ai clean le cache pour la redémarrer en attendant de trouver une solution.

Android 7.1.1

Recommence il arrive aléatoirement qu’une exception soit levé (ça m’est arrivé 2 fois).
Tu peux me donner ta config au cas au ça recommence ?

Edit Quel smartphone ? Laisse moi le temps de rentrer chez moi et de ranger mes courses et je fait un essai :laughing:
Tu peux me donner ton JSON renvoyé par Gladys ?

1 « J'aime »

Je le trouve où le JSON. Rien dans les logs hormis « Access with token to user »

Mon téléphone est un Sony Xperia XZ

Avec Postman

J’ai décris comment faire sur ce message ^^

1 « J'aime »

Voici le JSON retourné par Gladys :slight_smile:

        "name": "Couloir",
        "house": 1,
        "permission": null,
        "id": 2,
        "createdAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:40.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:40.000Z",
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                "category": null,
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                "identifier": "-30194",
                "device": 97,
                "service": "radioFrequency",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-22T10:22:16.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 81644
                "name": "Détecteur de mouvements",
                "id": 135,
                "type": "motion",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 1,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 1,
                "identifier": "-30208",
                "device": 98,
                "service": "radioFrequency",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-22T08:24:20.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 81393
                "name": "Sensor",
                "id": 145,
                "type": "motion",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 1,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
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                "identifier": "-30198",
                "device": 108,
                "service": "radioFrequency",
                "lastChanged": "2017-05-17T09:56:11.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 9957
                "name": "Sensor",
                "id": 153,
                "type": "motion",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 1,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 1,
                "identifier": "-30196",
                "device": 116,
                "service": "radioFrequency",
                "lastChanged": "2017-05-28T16:18:44.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 10751
        "name": "Salon",
        "house": 1,
        "permission": null,
        "id": 1,
        "createdAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:35.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:35.000Z",
        "deviceTypes": [
                "name": "bande",
                "id": 174,
                "type": "brightness",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "1",
                "device": 136,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "bande",
                "id": 175,
                "type": "hue",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 65535,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "1",
                "device": 136,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "bande",
                "id": 176,
                "type": "saturation",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "1",
                "device": 136,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "bande",
                "id": 177,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": "",
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "1",
                "device": 136,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-20T17:12:59.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 76134
                "name": "Spot bibliotheque 2",
                "id": 178,
                "type": "brightness",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "4",
                "device": 139,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Spot bibliotheque 2",
                "id": 179,
                "type": "hue",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 65535,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "4",
                "device": 139,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Spot bibliotheque 2",
                "id": 180,
                "type": "saturation",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "4",
                "device": 139,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Lampe",
                "id": 181,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": "",
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "2",
                "device": 137,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-20T17:12:59.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 76133
                "name": "Spot bibliotheque 2",
                "id": 182,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": "",
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "4",
                "device": 139,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-20T17:12:59.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 76136
                "name": "Lampe",
                "id": 183,
                "type": "brightness",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "2",
                "device": 137,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": "2017-09-18T21:24:17.000Z",
                "lastValue": 255,
                "lastValueId": 23253
                "name": "Lampe",
                "id": 184,
                "type": "hue",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 65535,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
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                "device": 137,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Lampe",
                "id": 185,
                "type": "saturation",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "2",
                "device": 137,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "spot bibliotheque 1",
                "id": 186,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": "",
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
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                "device": 138,
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                "lastChanged": "2017-10-20T17:12:59.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 76135
                "name": "spot bibliotheque 1",
                "id": 187,
                "type": "brightness",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
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                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "spot bibliotheque 1",
                "id": 188,
                "type": "hue",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 65535,
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                "device": 138,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "spot bibliotheque 1",
                "id": 189,
                "type": "saturation",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "3",
                "device": 138,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Ordinateur et divers",
                "id": 195,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "outlet",
                "tag": "",
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "",
                "device": 145,
                "service": "w215",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-08T13:43:43.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 50260
                "name": "Multimédia",
                "id": 198,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "outlet",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "",
                "device": 148,
                "service": "w215",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-08T13:43:43.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 50259
                "name": "Salon",
                "id": 223,
                "type": "multilevel",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": -9999,
                "max": 9999,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 1,
                "identifier": "CONFIDENTIEL",
                "device": 173,
                "service": "bluetooth",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-22T10:32:30.000Z",
                "lastValue": -76,
                "lastValueId": 81664
        "name": "Chambre",
        "house": 1,
        "permission": null,
        "id": 3,
        "createdAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:46.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:46.000Z",
        "deviceTypes": [
                "name": "Sonos ZPS12",
                "id": 117,
                "type": "music",
                "category": "music",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "",
                "device": 92,
                "service": "sonos",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 190,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": "",
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-20T17:12:59.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 76137
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 191,
                "type": "brightness",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": "2017-09-20T22:34:16.000Z",
                "lastValue": 128,
                "lastValueId": 23614
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 192,
                "type": "hue",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 65535,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 193,
                "type": "saturation",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Chambre",
                "id": 201,
                "type": "multilevel",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": -9999,
                "max": 9999,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 1,
                "identifier": "CONFIDENTIEL",
                "device": 151,
                "service": "bluetooth",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-22T10:32:30.000Z",
                "lastValue": -61,
                "lastValueId": 81663

idée conne mais ça ne viendrait pas des accents?

Beau boulot !

Je l’ai installé, faut que je test tout ca !

voilà la vidéo:

Bon @PhilippeMA après avoir inspecté ton JSON la seule chose qui m’a interpellé c’est ça

        "name": "Chambre",
        "id": 201,
        "type": "multilevel",
        "category": null,
        "tag": null,
        "unit": null,
        "min": -9999,
        "max": 9999,
        "display": 1,
        "sensor": 1,
        "identifier": "CONFIDENTIEL",
        "device": 151,
        "service": "bluetooth",
        "lastChanged": "2017-10-22T10:32:30.000Z",
        "lastValue": -61,
        "lastValueId": 81663

Que ton device soit fixé a -9999 et 9999 Ok, mais comment a tu fait pour que la dernière valeur soit a -61 ? Perso j’ai recréé ton device chez moi et Gladys ne me laisse pas passer une valeur en dessous de 0…
Et je pense que le problème vient de la !
Cela dit une autres erreur est apparu et je lai corrigé du coup donc c’est déjà ça en moins ^^
Pour être sur que l’erreur vient de la tu peux me dire si la synchro de la Timeline et celle des Alarmes fonctionne ?

@WolfVic je ne vois rien d’anormal chez toi :thinking: il faudrait que je trouve un moyen de récupérer tes logs…

Je viens de faire le nettoyage de mes devices. Celui auquel tu fais référence est une google home avec lequel Gladys n’interagit pas… Je lui avais affecté une pièce car j’ai gladys-bluetooth qui l’identifie et ça me permettait de faire le tri entre mes devices et ceux de mes nombreux voisins :stuck_out_tongue:

J’avais aussi affecté des pièces à des devices qui ne font que transmettre des infos mais avec lesquels on ne peut pas interragir (ex. arduino, capteur 433Mhz).

Malgré tout cela, l’application continue de planter. Les seuls devices qui restent :

  • Lampes HUE
  • Prises commandées W215
  • Sonos

Je tente de désactiver device par device pour voir lequel pose problème. Je te tiens au courant.

Edit : le JSON mis à jour

        "name": "Salon",
        "house": 1,
        "permission": null,
        "id": 1,
        "createdAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:35.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:35.000Z",
        "deviceTypes": [
                "name": "bande",
                "id": 174,
                "type": "brightness",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "1",
                "device": 136,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "bande",
                "id": 175,
                "type": "hue",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 65535,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "1",
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                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "bande",
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                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
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                "max": 65535,
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                "sensor": 0,
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                "service": "hue",
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                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "spot bibliotheque 1",
                "id": 189,
                "type": "saturation",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "3",
                "device": 138,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Ordinateur et divers",
                "id": 195,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "outlet",
                "tag": "",
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "",
                "device": 145,
                "service": "w215",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-08T13:43:43.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 50260
                "name": "Multimédia",
                "id": 198,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "outlet",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "",
                "device": 148,
                "service": "w215",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-08T13:43:43.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 50259
        "name": "Chambre",
        "house": 1,
        "permission": null,
        "id": 3,
        "createdAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:46.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:46.000Z",
        "deviceTypes": [
                "name": "Sonos ZPS12",
                "id": 117,
                "type": "music",
                "category": "music",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "",
                "device": 92,
                "service": "sonos",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 190,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": "",
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-20T17:12:59.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 76137
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 191,
                "type": "brightness",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": "2017-09-20T22:34:16.000Z",
                "lastValue": 128,
                "lastValueId": 23614
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 192,
                "type": "hue",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 65535,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 193,
                "type": "saturation",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null

Eh pourquoi tu a enlevé ton JSON j’était en train de regarder :joy: :joy:

1 « J'aime »


Mes prises connectées et la Sonos sont bien reconnus par l’application. J’ai pu ajouter ma lampe de chevet HUE mais ça a planté dès que j’ai ajouté le spot 2 de la bibliothèque (HUE encore).

Tu peux me redonner le JSON actuel (celui qui ne fait pas planté l’app)
Pour que je fasse la comparaison ?
Du coup j’ai une piste ^^

Le JSON qui passe :

        "name": "Chambre",
        "house": 1,
        "permission": null,
        "id": 3,
        "createdAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:46.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:46.000Z",
        "deviceTypes": [
                "name": "Sonos ZPS12",
                "id": 117,
                "type": "music",
                "category": "music",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "",
                "device": 92,
                "service": "sonos",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 190,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "light",
                "tag": "",
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-20T17:12:59.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 76137
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 191,
                "type": "brightness",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": "2017-09-20T22:34:16.000Z",
                "lastValue": 128,
                "lastValueId": 23614
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 192,
                "type": "hue",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 65535,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
                "name": "Lampe de chevet",
                "id": 193,
                "type": "saturation",
                "category": null,
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 255,
                "display": 0,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "5",
                "device": 140,
                "service": "hue",
                "lastChanged": null,
                "lastValue": null,
                "lastValueId": null
        "name": "Salon",
        "house": 1,
        "permission": null,
        "id": 1,
        "createdAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:35.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2017-02-04T23:45:35.000Z",
        "deviceTypes": [
                "name": "Ordinateur et divers",
                "id": 195,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "outlet",
                "tag": "",
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "",
                "device": 145,
                "service": "w215",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-08T13:43:43.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 50260
                "name": "Multimédia",
                "id": 198,
                "type": "binary",
                "category": "outlet",
                "tag": null,
                "unit": null,
                "min": 0,
                "max": 1,
                "display": 1,
                "sensor": 0,
                "identifier": "",
                "device": 148,
                "service": "w215",
                "lastChanged": "2017-10-08T13:43:43.000Z",
                "lastValue": 1,
                "lastValueId": 50259
1 « J'aime »

Bravo, beau travail, app installée sans souci, mais j’ai un code d’erreur 5 et rien dans les logs gladys. Du coup ça ne fonctionne pas encore (j’ai un Huawei Nexus 6P sur Android 8 Oreo). Je vais regarder ça de plus prêt dès que je peux.

Au passage, il me semble qu’il y a une faute sur “Aucune données!”, comme il n’y en a aucune justement, il me semble que donnée doit être au singulier et non pas au pluriel (mais mes cours de français remontent à un bail) :wink:

1 « J'aime »