Ça y est, la PR est là
← bertrandda:feat/var-value-eval
opened 07:48PM - 17 Apr 23 UTC
### Pull Request check-list
To ensure your Pull Request can be accepted as fa… st as possible, make sure to review and check all of these items:
- [ ] If your changes affects code, did your write the tests?
- [ ] Are tests passing? (`npm test` on both front/server)
- [ ] Is the linter passing? (`npm run eslint` on both front/server)
- [ ] Did you run prettier? (`npm run prettier` on both front/server)
- [ ] If you are adding a new features/services, did you run integration comparator? (`npm run compare-translations` on front)
- [ ] Did you test this pull request in real life? With real devices? If this development is a big feature or a new service, we recommend that you provide a Docker image to [the community](https://community.gladysassistant.com/) for testing before merging.
- [ ] If your changes modify the API (REST or Node.js), did you modify the API documentation? (Documentation is based on comments in code)
- [ ] If you are adding a new features/services which needs explanation, did you modify the user documentation? See [the GitHub repo](https://github.com/GladysAssistant/v4-website) and the [website](https://gladysassistant.com).
- [ ] Did you add fake requests data for the demo mode (`front/src/config/demo.js`) so that the demo website is working without a backend? (if needed) See [https://demo.gladysassistant.com](https://demo.gladysassistant.com).
NOTE: these things are not required to open a PR and can be done afterwards / while the PR is open.
### Description of change
Please provide a description of the change here. It's always best with screenshots, so don't hesitate to add some!
I added calculation in scene conditions and control device box
Use string evaluation allow also to use device value in calculation and control device
Le code permet d’utiliser des variables et faire des calculs dans les scènes au niveau des blocs « continuer seulement si » et « contrôler un appareil » (voir captures d’écrans un peu plus haut)
Si vous voulez faire des tests, une image est disponible ici bertrandda/gladys:scene-var-eval
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